A casual look at Tommy Atkins of the Victorian period gave little away about his fighting abilities. Standing 5´5" on average, and often shorter, he may or may not be able to read or write. This appearance was deceptive, however. The average British redcoat...
The Zulu army was a formidable foe. Well-trained, well-led, and well-equipped for campaigns, the Zulu regiments were the terror of Africa. Created by the great Shaka, founder of the nation, each regiment was composed of small companies who trained together, and a regiment could...
Antisuyu Archers are an integral part of an Inca warband, providing ranged support to Cuzco warriors. Armed with daggers and shield, these warriors can stand their ground in melee, but their true expertise lies with their bow. Deadly accurate to start, their lethality is...
Circling above the battlefield, the Condor Riders of an Inca warband track enemy movements and positions. Then, once battle is joined, they swoop down to bring death from above. Their speed and maneuverability ensure that can be exactly where needed to assault the enemy...
Cuzco Warriors form the bedrock of every Inca warband. When these solid fighters mass, they form an impenetrable wall of shields and weapons that their enemies stand little chance of defeating. As such, Cuzco warriors are formidable in attack or defence. The solid, core...
An Inca Sapa Warlord is the dominant political and spiritual leader of the Inca people. Believed descended from divinity, a Sapa Warlord has absolute authority. Darting through the jungle on the back of the mystical Spirit Jaguar, the Sapa Warlord bounds across the battlefield...