When a block war erupts the men, women and robot auxiliaries of the Justice Department bear the brunt of quelling the fighting and preventing it spilling into a multi-block war – or worse. Assault Judges are all handpicked veterans, pulled from the ranks of...
"Klegg-Hai!, Klegg-Hai!, Klegg-hai!" This chilling alien battle cry has echoed across a universe of battlefields, heralding the arrival of the nightmarish Klegg. Mercenary warriors over ten feet tall and resembling an enormous bipedal Crocodile. The Klegg are utterly ruthless in the art of war;...
The average citizen of Mega-City One is usually docile and, while not respectful of the Law, at least fearful of it. When the madness of a block war takes over, however, citizens gather into large, sometimes huge, mobs. At this point, they become exceptionally...
Most Mega-City citizens are generally too lazy to get off their backsides and do the menial work performed by these semi-sentient robots. Robots have 'AZI-MOV protocols' forbidding them from harming a human. Yet, some break their programming. Mega-City One has been hit with two...
Despite the widespread opinion of Muties as stupid and animal‐like, a surprising number are tech‐savvy and scavenge extensively among the ruins of the Cursed Earth. There are dozens of small bands with the skill to convert run-of‐the‐mill mounts, such as Power Boards and Sky...
Now more than 75% Cyborg, Alex Gerhart was an up‐and‐coming star in the sinister ranks of the Special Judicial Squad. Unfortunately, like so many of his colleagues, he had an unhealthy obsession with Judge Dredd. Not only had the venerable Judge been instrumental in...
“Me? I’m nobody. A ghost. A hole in the crowd… a big, fat zero.” There are some criminal investigations that require intelligence gathering, where the presence of a uniformed Judge brandishing a Lawgiver is not appropriate. For these activities the Justice Department has formed...
In the 2080s speed and volume eating, ‘scoffing’, became a competitive sport and extreme obesity became the desired body image for many Mega-City citizens. In retaliation to the percieved injustice of the food restrictions following the Apocalypse War, militant elements of the obese founded...