A Gentleman's War focuses on the action fought across the parched, dusty campaign in the Western Desert during World War II. This Bolt Action starter set pits the forces of the British 8th Army (more commonly known as The Desert Rats) against their Axis...
A Gentleman's War focuses on the action fought across the parched, dusty campaign in the Western Desert during World War II. This Bolt Action starter set pits the forces of the British 8th Army (more commonly known as The Desert Rats) against their Axis...
This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Dwarf Light Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all 2 handed Weapons (Militia) or all with bows/ bow and hand weapon (Border Guards). Each frame also contains a...
28mm sized Human Light Cavalry, designed to be used in the Fantasy Mass Battle game Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age from Osprey Games. This box set contains enough parts for you to build 15 Light Cavalrymen. We provide you with enough weapon options...
Plastic 28mm sized Orc Infantry, designed to be used in the Fantasy Mass Battle game Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age from Osprey Games. This box set contains enough parts for you to build 30 Orc Infantry. We provide you with enough weapon options...
Whether bound by loyalty or cursed by a long-forgotten betrayal, the revenants that march once more to war are kings, heroes, and warriors of old, their spirits denied peace by the power of their ancient oaths. This boxed set offers enough parts to build...
No matter their home planet, background, role, or motives for roaming the dead stars, anyone signed up to an independent crew is going to be tough, ruthless, and dangerous. You don’t stay one step ahead of the pirate fleets – or your competitors –...