In a bid to utilise more Rift-technology in enhanced combat power, a relatively minor line of development inadvertently spawned the Meteor Rocket and subsequently its tank-mounted launcher. The discovery of a metal degrading enzyme that could rapidly degrade armour plate led Britain’s Rift-tech scientists...
The bristles of this Hobby Drybrush is flat topped and coarse, perfect for the drybrushing technique. The brush comes with a round handle, allowing for a flexible grip.
This super fine hobby brush is for the smallest of paint jobs, like dotting the eyes or painting fine lines. The Super Detail brush comes with the characteristic red handle as do all our Hobby Brushes.
The Shibito Squads were relentless on the battlefields of 1947, immune to fear and programmed to fight until they collapse. US and Commonwealth troops found themselves under constant pressure in the remote battlefields of the Pacific Theatre. Without the need for food, water or...
It is ideal for the rotten skin of Ghouls, zombies, vampires, pestilence demons and plague warshipping ratmen etc. However, As with all CPs, its uses are not limited to the living dead alone and this cool colour can be used on anything else. Perfect...
Most commonly known as the Panzer 38(t), this light tank was originally a Czech design – the LT vz. 38 – which fell under the Third Reich's control when Germany occupied Czechoslovakia in 1938. The 't' in its designation relates to the German for...
The first of its kind made specifically for Wargaming, the Psycho is aptly named as it is indeed very small and ultra precise for that perfect lining or miniscule detail. Handmade from first-class Rothmarder Sable and with the elegant and famous triangular handle -...